Welcome to ICNA
Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) is a non-ethnic, non-sectarian; open to all, independent, North America wide, grass root Islamic organization. ICNA has many projects, programs, and activities which are designed to help in the process of molding the individual and reforming society at large.
- To invite mankind to submit to the Creator by using all means of communications.
- To motivate Muslims to perform their duty of being witnesses unto mankind by their words and deeds.
- To organize those who agree to work for this cause in the discipline of ICNA.
- To offer educational and training opportunities to increase Islamic knowledge, to enhance socio-economic justice in the society.
- To oppose immorality and oppression in all forms, and support efforts for civil liberties and socio-economic justice in the society.
- To strengthen the bond of humanity by serving all those in need anywhere in the world, with special focus on our neighborhood across North America.
- To cooperate with other organizations for the implementation of this program and unity in the ummah.
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:
“There are no days on which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than these ten days.”
The life stories of generations of people of African descent in the United States are testimonials to the capacity of human beings to overcome, with Allah’s help, adverse life circumstances that typically cripple the social advancement of even the most highly motivated individuals. Such is the case of Carter G. Woodson, born in 1875 to enslaved parents in Canton, Virginia, he would rise to become one of the most celebrated figures of the 20th century. Although blessed with a brilliant intellect, Woodson was forced to interrupt his pursuit of higher education to work in the coal mines of West Virginia to help support his family. Due to his academic prowess, Woodson achieved teaching and graduate degrees at a relatively early age. He was the second African American, after Dr. W.E.B. Dubois, to receive a doctorate degree from the prestigious Harvard University. Dr. Woodson spent most of his professional career as a professor and administrator at Washington, DC’s Howard University.
On February 1st, Muslim women across the globe celebrate World Hijab Day, a day of celebrating and uplifting women who choose to do the headscarf as prescribed by Islamic faith traditions. The headscarf is a token of submission, respect, and identity for Muslim women, who cover their hair in a variety of ways, paying homage to not only their religion but their cultural heritage as well. The hijab is often referred to as a way of life- not merely a garment, but a code of conduct that emerges from the Islamic traditions of upholding modesty and dignity in one’s lifestyle, behavior, dress, and even thought. The image of the hijab as merely a headscarf, rather than an ideal to aspire to, has been popularized by the political and social culture of our time, which disparages such symbolism of submission-to man or to God- and characterizes it as oppressive, stifling, and inappropriate for our day and age.
On February 1st, Muslim women across the globe celebrate World Hijab Day, a day of celebrating and uplifting women who choose to don the headscarf as prescribed by Islamic faith traditions. The headscarf is a token of submission, respect, and identity for Muslim women, who cover their hair in a variety of ways, paying homage to not only their religion but their cultural heritage as well. The hijab is often referred to as a way of life- not merely a garment, but a code of conduct that emerges from the Islamic traditions of upholding modesty and dignity in one’s lifestyle, behavior, dress, and even thought. The image of the hijab as merely a headscarf, rather than an ideal to aspire to, has been popularized by the political and social culture of our time, which disparages such symbolism of submission-to man or to God- and characterizes it as oppressive, stifling, and inappropriate for our day and age.
- How to start a conversation about Islam
- Dealing with Atheism and its struggles
- The etiquette of how to engage in fruitful conversation with people of other faiths
- How to start a conversation about Islam
- Dealing with Atheism and its struggles
- The etiquette of how to engage in fruitful conversation with people of other faiths
We are excited to announce that Why Islam Dallas and Islamic Association of North Texas (IANT) are working together to have an Open Mosque Day for our non-Muslim Neighbors. The purpose of this event is to invite your friends, Colleagues, and neighbors for “Building Bridges for a Better Community”
Note: This program is for non-Muslims only. Muslims bringing a non-Muslim are welcome to join with them
The Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) strongly condemns Israel’s heavy-handed tactics against Palestinian demonstrators after plans are made to evict them from their homes on land claimed by Jewish occupiers. Israeli police fired “rubber bullets” and so-called stun grenades injuring
The Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) condemns in the strongest terms the horrific shootings and killings of 18 innocent people within a period of one week in Atlanta, Georgia and Boulder, Colorado, including Officer Eric Talley.
An Online Fundraiser For Projects Run By ICNA DALLAS
Facebook Live
Saturday, April 17, 6PM CST
The Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) condemns in the strongest terms the horrific shootings and killings of 18 innocent people within a period of one week in Atlanta, Georgia and Boulder, Colorado, including Officer Eric Talley.
Assalaamu Alaikum wrwb,
“In God We Trust” first appeared on the 1864 two-cent coin, during the peak of civil war when religious sentiment was at an all-time high. But our Messenger PBUH already brought us this message more than 1400 years ago. “In God We Trust” was the belief that became the backbone of early Muslims rebelling against their forefathers. “In God We Trust” was the conviction upon which they left their homes and emigrated to Madinah. “In God We Trust” was the reason they became the rulers of this world. Allah SWT reminds us in the Quran that when we have Allah on our sides, there is no power strong enough to overcome us; “And whoever puts their trust in Allah, then He alone is sufficient for them” (Quran, 65:3).
Over the past year, yet again, this reminder was brought to the forefront; when all of humankind was prompted with a virus, one invisible to the naked eye. In the midst of this hardship, we had no refuge except for the refuge of Allah SWT. Pandemics of this scale are compassionate reminders for us to repent and return to Allah SWT. This is a chance given to us by the Almighty to submit our complete trust into his hands and take heed of our actions, both inward and outward. With this new year and new hope, let’s gather at ICNA Symposium to remind ourselves of our covenant to Allah SWT, rejuvenate our spirits, and reaffirm “In God We Trust”.
Assalaamu Alaikum wrwb,
“In God We Trust” first appeared on the 1864 two-cent coin, during the peak of civil war when religious sentiment was at an all-time high. But our Messenger PBUH already brought us this message more than 1400 years ago. “In God We Trust” was the belief that became the backbone of early Muslims rebelling against their forefathers. “In God We Trust” was the conviction upon which they left their homes and emigrated to Madinah. “In God We Trust” was the reason they became the rulers of this world. Allah SWT reminds us in the Quran that when we have Allah on our sides, there is no power strong enough to overcome us; “And whoever puts their trust in Allah, then He alone is sufficient for them” (Quran, 65:3).
Over the past year, yet again, this reminder was brought to the forefront; when all of humankind was prompted with a virus, one invisible to the naked eye. In the midst of this hardship, we had no refuge except for the refuge of Allah SWT. Pandemics of this scale are compassionate reminders for us to repent and return to Allah SWT. This is a chance given to us by the Almighty to submit our complete trust into his hands and take heed of our actions, both inward and outward. With this new year and new hope, let’s gather at ICNA Symposium to remind ourselves of our covenant to Allah SWT, rejuvenate our spirits, and reaffirm “In God We Trust”.
Assalaamu Alaikum wrwb,
A global pandemic with hundreds of thousands dead, mass protests with innocent people killed on the streets, natural disasters from all sides, and the largest recession in almost a century with millions left unemployed. Sounds like a scene from an apocalyptic movie, but this is America in 2020. For once, reality is more unbelievable than the movies. Facing loss, pain, and uncertainty, so many of us are confused about what direction to take when planning for a future that looks unlike anything we’ve ever known.
Allah (God Almighty), asks us in the Quran to ask for His help in finding direction “Guide me to the straight path.” (1:6), He then also provides us with direction where He says “this is My path, which is straight, so follow it”(6:153). Allah, through Islam, has provided us with a set of tools that helps us fortify ourselves moving into an uncertain future.
Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) brings you the 2020 Dawah conference – “Islam: The Solution in times of Confusion” where world-renowned speakers will highlight how Islam presents solutions for issues facing us, and more importantly how we can equip ourselves to stand strong in times of confusion.

Celebrate Ramadan, the month of reflection, giving, and spirituality - Irving library

Celebrate Ramadan, the month of reflection, giving, and spirituality -Dallas library



Amazon Smile with ICNA Dallas
- Dawah Booths
- Street Dawah
- Prison Dawah
- Dawah Kits (Free Quran and Literature)
- Open Houses
- Billboards
- Islam 101
- Why Islam
- Gain Peace
ICNA Relief
- Hunger Prevention
- Food Pantry
- Feed The Hungry
- Food Drives
- Car Donation
- Muslim Family Services
- Half Way Houses
- Back 2 School Giveaways
- Free Health Clinics
- Refugee Services
- Women’s Transitional Housing
- Disaster Relief
ICNA Sisters Wing
Young Muslims (Girls)
Young Muslims (YM Boys)
Islamic Learning Foundation (ILF)
Learn More about ILF
ICNA Council for Social Justice(ICNACSJ)
Learn More about ICNACSJ

Questions? Contact Us Here!

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